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There are two methods here - API key or access token. We highly recommend you use an API key.

API keys are unique to each merchant and are what is used to associate an order with a given merchant (and correspondingly, what charges are due to which account.)

As such, if you are an ordering platform integrating with Orkestro, this field will need to be unique for every given merchant. We recommend having this as a free text field that can be input by a merchant.

You can have the API key at an account/master level or at a store level. The benefit of having it at an account/master level is that you can add new stores etc. very easily (i.e you just change the pickup location in the payload). 

Having an API key at the store level allows for more granular user-level access (i.e as the account owner you can define which users can see which store which is very useful for things like store manager access). Ultimately, for speed of rollout having it an account/master level is better but for functionality and customizability, the store-level is much better. If you are targeting chains, I would recommend an API key at a store level.

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